Book and film reviews

The enigma of the Danube civilization

The discovery of the oldest high culture in Europe By Harald Haarmann CH Beck, Munich 2011 ISBN 978-3-406-622106 286 pages. (Published in GralsWelt 76/2013) In the general sense of history, the cradle of European civilization can be found among the ancient Greeks. Their much admired culture was then adopted by the Romans. When the Teutons established the Roman Empire for centuries [...]

Book and film reviews

The Strange Survival of Neoliberalism

By Colin Crouch Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2011, ISBN 978-3-518-42274-8, 148 pages (Published in GralsWelt 75/2013) Have you also wondered how it was possible "that a crisis caused by the reckless greed of the banks was transformed into a problem of state budgets. While bankers' bonuses are returning to pre-crisis levels, thousands are losing their jobs in the public sector." [...]

Book and film reviews

Origins of ancient Israel

By Walter Schilling UT-Verlag, Berlin, 2012, ISBN 978-3-11782-3 (Published in Grail World 75/2013) The Old Testament of the Bible, the "Hebrew Bible", is important for three monotheistic world religions. Namely for the "Abrahamic religions" Judaism, Christianity, Islam, which refer to Abraham as the first person who, according to tradition, recognized the only God. The written [...]

Book and film reviews

Deadly business

In the Museum für Brotkultur in Ulm, Salzstadelgasse 10, runs from September 12 to November 11, 2012, as interesting as current exhibition on "Speculating with food" Long forgotten is the old saying that I already heard from my grandmother: "with food you do not play". On the poster for the exhibition "Deadly Deals" is as a warning a [...]

Book and film reviews

From the original patriarchy to a global crash?

By Bernd Hercksen Shaker Media 2010, ISBN 978-3-86858-408-0, EUR 39.90 (Published in GralsWelt 64/211) In this book that is well worth reading, the author dares to ride through cultural and economic history. His concern is to reveal the causes of the undesirable developments in our society and to look for ways into a more humane, fairer future. So far, everyone is [...]

Book and film reviews

The adventurous life of Adam Dreyling

“The Master of the Seventh Seal” - just a historical novel or more? Published in Gralswelt 58/2010 The history of the world consists of an interplay of many forces, and it is not uncommon for apparent trivialities to be of paramount importance. This was also the case with the well-known naval battle between the great Spanish Armada and the English fleet in 1588. The English victory […]

Book and film reviews

Smart cells

By Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., Koha, Burgrain, 2006. Published in GralsWelt 57/2010 The Analytical Method In the history of the natural sciences, the decisive advances in the application of analytical methods can be attributed to the 17th century. A problem is broken down into smaller and smallest components until each part is simplified so far that [...]

Book and film reviews

1421 - When China discovered the world

By Menzies, Gavin, Droemer, Munich, 2003. (Published in GralsWelt 57/2010) China's historiography mentions a sea expedition that led a Chinese fleet into the Indian Ocean under the command of the eunuch Zheng He. That was almost eight decades before the Portuguese (Vasco da Gama 1498) reached the Indian coast, and against the much larger, more numerous, [...]

Book and film reviews

The hatred of the West

Wie sich die armen Völker gegen den wirtschaftlichen Weltkrieg wehren By Jean Ziegler, C. Bertelsmann, Munich, 2009, ISBN 978-3-570-01132-4, EUR 19.95 (original edition in French "La Haine de l'Occident", 2008). (Published in GralsWelt 56/2010) In GralsWelt we have already quoted the non-fiction author and globalization critic Jean Ziegler several times (e.g. in the box "Monetarism or [...]

Book and film reviews

Casino capitalism

How the financial crisis came about and what to do now By Hans-Werner Sinn, Econ, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-430-20084-4 Published in Gralswelt 56/2010 The world financial crisis of 2008, the one world economic crisis is on everyone's lips. The guilty party is sought and not found. Instead, politicians are spreading the hope that the bottom has been reached. By 2011 at the latest [...]