Book and film reviews

From the original patriarchy to a global crash?

By Bernd Hercksen

Shaker Media 2010, ISBN 978-3-86858-408-0, EUR 39.90

(Published in Grail World 64/211)

In this book that is well worth reading, the author dares to take a hard ride through cultural and economic history. His concern is to reveal the causes of the undesirable developments in our society and to look for ways into a more humane, fairer future. So far, all alternative approaches to fundamental, social, political or economic reforms, no matter how well meant, have failed.

Bernd Hercksen is convinced that the decisive course was set in the wrong direction about 6,000 years ago. According to an alternative branch of historical research, at that time matriarchy (gynecocracy) was forcibly subjugated or repressed by patriarchy. Today there are almost only patriarchal systems of rule. These are - one-sidedly male dominated - characterized by oppression, the glorification of violence, wars, the destruction of nature, the devaluation of the feminine and the spiritual.

In the Grail World, attention has been drawn to this approach, which is often devalued as “feminist” and which the majority of archaeologists and historians refuse to accept (cf. “The Cult of the Great Mother”, under “History of Religion”).

In his work mentioned above, Bernd Hercksen has compiled many interesting thoughts on over 700 pages, which are sometimes interpreted in an idiosyncratic manner and occasionally also encourage contradiction. The sources used have been carefully researched and the bibliography offers a treasure trove of further information. Of particular interest are the recent chapters, in which contemporary undesirable developments are discussed, the deeper causes of which are often ignored or deliberately suppressed in the mass media.

Don't let the 700-page book scare you off. There is no need to read the book from cover to cover. You can also leaf through it, pick out individual sections again and again and experience an interesting and novel view of history. Every open-minded reader who is interested in the history or the future of mankind is then faced with interesting readings that inspire them to form their own personal opinion.

You can also read about this under Book Reviews "The riddle of the Danube civilization".