About Siegfried Hagl
Siegfried Hagl, is a graduate engineer, lecturer, writer and author of numerous books.
His main interests are history, technology, esotericism, ecology, history of religion, science and economics. In his current book "Short, concise, curious: extraordinary episodes from history, culture and society“ (more information here) Siegfried Hagl presents an exquisite selection of his work of the last decades.
Siegfried Hagl was born in Munich in 1931. After a happy childhood, he experienced the turbulence of a difficult time at an early age: being bombed out, losing his father in an air raid, severe damage to the business premises, occupation, temporary evacuation of the family home for the occupying forces, the hardships of the post-war period and the not easy reconstruction after the currency reform. Siegfried Hagl is married, has two grown-up children and three grandchildren.
He was also actively involved in sport for a number of years. As an epee fencer, he was Bavarian champion and German runner-up, and most recently competed as a member of the German national team in an official international match against Poland in Warsaw.
His professional career included a commercial apprenticeship in a bicycle parts wholesaler, pieceworker and clerk in a tire factory, as well as training as a rubber technician, leading him to Darmstadt Technical University, where he studied mechanical engineering on a scholarship from an industrial company.
After completing his studies, he worked for many years in management positions in industry and technical supervision, including as head of development at a tire factory. He also worked as a writer and lectured on ecology at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
After retiring from active professional life, he worked as a freelance writer and editor of the magazine GralsWelt. He also worked as a consultant and expert for the tire industry. He passed on his professional experience to future engineers, introducing them to vehicle dynamics and tire technology at Ulm University of Applied Sciences until the age of 81.
His book publications on ideological issues are based on many years of in-depth study of natural philosophical, historical and esoteric questions. They stand out from the usual esoteric literature due to their thorough study of sources and clear distinction between quotations and the author's opinion.
Book Publications
- „Kurz, knapp, kurios“, BMI Expert Verlag, 2021. https://kurzknappkurios.com/
- „Spreu und Weizen“, Gralsverlag, Purgstall 10, 8063 Eggersdorf bei Graz (Österreich), 2003.
- „Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Weltbild“, Verlag der Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart, 1982. Neuauflage 2002.
- „Der okkulte Kanzler“, Eigenverlag, Gräfelfing, 2000. Only available as an e-book.
- „Der okkulte Kanzler“; translation into Czech: "Okultni Kancler," Integral Brno s.r.o., 2008.
- „Wenn es kein Wunder war“, Verlag der Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart, 1980. New edition 2000.
- „Die Kluft zwischen Wissenschaft und Wahrheit“ Verlag der Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart, 1986.
- „Die Apokalypse als Hoffnung“, Droemer-Knaur, München, 1984.
Interview at Thanatos TV
Video interview by Werner Huemer with Siegfried Hagl: "Religious fanaticism, militant atheism, - where are we heading ?" (2015).
- Thanatos TV
https://thanatos.tv/siegfried-hagl-religioeser-fanatismus-militanter-atheismus-wohin-steuern-wir - YouTube
Authors interview
(Published as a supplement to Grail World 25/2002)
You have so far published a total of six non-fiction books on worldview issues in various publishing houses and have been working as an author for the "Verlag der Stiftung Gralsbotschaft" (Publishing House of the Grail Message Foundation) for many years. Two of your books - "Wenn es kein Wunder war ..." and "Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Weltbild" - have now been reissued in revised versions as part of the paperback "EDITION GRALSWELT", some 20 years after the first edition. In your opinion, has anything decisive changed in our view of the world during these decades?
In the last decades I do not see any fundamental changes in our world view. However, some things have changed in the public consciousness:
* Ecology: Here we are faced with a schizophrenic situation. On the one hand, environmental awareness has become almost commonplace since 1972 , the year the "Limits to Growth" were published. Many, mostly smaller steps for environmental protection could be enforced and even political parties have taken up this issue, at least superficially.
On the other hand, the actual threats, such as overpopulation, are suppressed; presumably because those responsible feel helplessly overwhelmed by this problem. The insight that our planet is finite, i.e. that continuous (exponential) economic growth is impossible, is also looked for in vain in the state goals, as are the first approaches to an economic policy appropriate to the 21st century. This is because the allegedly inevitable "globalization" has so far taken hardly any account of environmental concerns, too little of justified social concerns, and will therefore not solve humanity's problems.
* Esotericism: The search for further insights that was evident in the esoteric or New Age wave of the 70s and 80s has subsided. Many people even turn away from it again disappointed, after e.g. some (irresponsible) gurus promised more than they could keep. Again a spiritual emptiness arises, which can only be covered, not filled, by the worldwide triumphant materialism. Thus agnosticism or atheism or cynicism spreads especially among younger people, which finds its legitimation easily in the history of religion and church. Perhaps the Grail World can contribute a little to the fact that one or the other the way is opened to the true God knowledge which gives him, beyond denominational ties and historical failure of many religions, the indispensable inner security.
If you look at today's world, you find many signs of a profound crisis - from the ecological problems in the outside world to the spiritual problems in the human inner world. In your view, is there a common root for the increasing difficulties - and what could be done to counteract them?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in 1983: "People have forgotten God, hence all this..." and saw this as the cause of the catastrophes of the 20th century. I agree with him.
A society that is not aware of any responsibility to a higher authority, a society that has devoted itself almost exclusively to commerce, or as it is called today, to "shareholder value," a society that shrugs off the fact that democracy and corruption go hand in hand, such a society cannot remain stable in the long term. The fact that churches and religions have largely failed does not absolve us of our personal responsibility to our Creator. As long as this sense of responsibility is lacking in many decision-makers or even in the majority of citizens, no matter how well-intentioned superficial solutions to problems will bring only partial success.
It is noticeable in your books that you study sources very intensively and deal in depth with scientific, historical and also esoteric approaches. How do you research your topics? One would think you have a huge library at your disposal!
I have always been a book lover, read a lot and own books to which I owe valuable inspiration. When I'm looking for information on a specific topic, I do my research primarily in the Bavarian State Library and, more recently, on the Internet. After all, I am in the fortunate position of having one of the largest German-language libraries open to me in Munich.
You held a management position in industry for many years. What originally inspired you to become so intensively involved with ideological issues?
Perhaps because of the difficult times in my youth, I was interested in philosophy, worldview and religions from an early age. An engineering study deepened my enthusiasm for the natural sciences. Since 1953, the Grail Message "In the Light of Truth" by Abd-ru-shin has been guiding for me, to which I owe my convinced faith in the Creator of all worlds.
As Grail World editor, you have already produced several series and thematic focuses - such as "The Wisdom of Asia," "The Century of Utopias" (Theme Issue 3) or "The Atlantis Saga. What will we be able to read from you next?
Following a suggestion from the circle of Grail World readers, I have conceived a series about the North American Indians, under the working title "That was the Wild West". It is a subject that has interested me for many years, and in the last decade I have had the opportunity to get to know the corresponding landscapes in the course of longer journeys through the USA.
Then recently I was fascinated by the topic of "World Riddles and Natural Wonders" and was inspired to attempt a multi-part series under this working title.
Also, there may be some work to come on the "Strange Stories" series.
[Published 2021, see shortcutscurios.com]