By Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., Koha, Burgrain, 2006.
Published in GralsWelt 57/2010
The analytical method
From the 17th century onwards, the decisive advances in the history of the natural sciences are due to the application of analytical methods. A problem is broken down into smaller and smallest components until each part is so much simplified that you can see and examine it. Nobody will doubt that an automobile, for example, will work perfectly if each of its components works on its own and everything has been assembled correctly.
However, with this fragmentation of an overall system, the complexity is lost. In the case of very complex systems, such as B. living beings, this mechanistic principle - which has proven itself very well in technology - cannot explain and understand everything. Anatomy is indispensable here, but hardly suitable for explaining how life works and what life is.
In biology, the analytical method, the reduction of the complicated to the simple, celebrated triumphs with the theory of evolution and genetics.
The Evolution theory wanted to explain the development of life with very simple, everyone understandable assumptions:
* The individuals in a population are never exactly alike.
* Every living being produces more offspring than can be found in its natural environment.
* The best adapted, ie the “most suitable” individuals have the greatest chances of passing on their hereditary traits to offspring.
The genetics believed in the discovery of DNA (the carrier of genetic information) Blueprint of life to find. Humans were seen as the product of their (inherited) genes. Many diseases should be explained by genetic defects and in the future it should be possible to cure them through genetic manipulation.
This image of nature - including humans - derived from Aristotelian logic and Newtonian mechanics, was enthusiastically adopted by the mass media and spread uncritically until almost everyone believed in it.
No genes dictated
In the meantime, there is increasing knowledge that genes by no means largely pre-determine human fate. B. body shape, thinking skills, talents, health, illnesses, social behavior, etc. preprogram.
Bruce H. Lipton writes:
“There are always headlines saying that the gene has been found for everything from depression to schizophrenia. However, if you read the articles a little more carefully, you will find that behind the sensational headline is the sober truth that although the scientists have found a connection between many genes with different diseases, it is very rarely a single gene that is directly involved leads to a problem or disease.
The confusion arises when the media does not accurately distinguish between the words connection and cause. It is one thing if something is related to a certain disease, but it is another to cause that disease. If I show you my car keys and claim that I can use them to 'control' my car, then it might still make sense, because after all, you have to put the key in the ignition to drive off. But if the keys actually had control of the car, they shouldn't be left in the car, because they could get the idea of going on a trip on their own. " (Page 51)
And elsewhere:
“It turns out that there isn't a very big difference between the number of genes in humans and in primitive creatures. We want to look at three of the genetically best investigated animals, the microscopic nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the laboratory mouse.
The primitive nematode is a perfect model for studying the role of genes in development and behavior. This rapidly growing and multiplying organism has a very precisely built body consisting of exactly 969 cells and a simple brain with around 302 cells. Nonetheless, it has a certain behavioral repertoire and is suitable for genetic experiments. The genome of this nematode consists of 24,000 genes. The human body, with over 50 billion cells, contains only 1,500 more genes than the microscopic, invertebrate, thousand-cell worm.
The fruit fly, another popular research object, has 15,000 genes. Although it is much more complex, it has 9,000 fewer genes than the primitive roundworm. And when it comes to mice and humans, we would have to raise our opinion of the former a bit, or downgrade ourselves a bit, because genome experiments carried out in parallel have shown that humans and rodents have about the same number of genes. " (Page 64 f.)
The reduction of a living being to its genes is apparently far from sufficient for its understanding. A holistic approach is necessary, as has long been demanded by Asian and alternative medicine.
New biology and new medicine
As Bruce Lipton explains in detail, environmental influences are of great importance for the development of cells, of living things, especially of humans.
In the development of primitive forms of life, external stimuli such as the supply of food, temperature, light and moisture influence development. In more highly developed living things, especially in humans, the psyche is of crucial importance.
The power of positive thinking (which can be seen in the placebo effect, for example) should not be underestimated any more than the influence of negative beliefs (nocebos), which in extreme cases can lead to death. (Page 140 f.)
Thinking, willing, and convictions control our biology. The will and feeling of people in the area also contributes to this. Even the development of the unborn child is influenced by the inner attitude of the parents. Not only alcohol or nicotine, but also stress and arguments during pregnancy have been shown to have an effect on the embryo and its development. The potential intelligence of a child up to 50% depends on the prenatal environmental factors. (Page 175).
Lipton advocates advanced medicine that includes these new findings and does not rely too much on drugs with their often harmful side effects.
“In my opinion, the biggest mistake I made was that, in addition to natural selection, I also took account of the influence of the environment, e.g. B. food, climate, etc., have not paid enough attention….
When I wrote the genesis of the species, and a few years later, I found only scant evidence of the direct influence of the environment, but there is now a lot of evidence for this. "
Charles Darwin in 1876 (page 50)
“The pharmaceutical industry programs us to become a nation of addicting pill-swallowers. It's time to take a step back and incorporate the discoveries of quantum physics into biomedicine so that we can create a new, safer healthcare system that is in harmony with the forces of nature. " (Page 108)
And further:
“In my opinion, the main reason there is little research into energetic healing can be expressed in dollars and cents. The multi-million dollar pharmaceutical industry is investing its research funds in the search for new miracle cures in the form of chemical drugs, because pills make money. If energetic healing could be pressed into tablet form, drug manufacturers around the world would certainly be more interested.
Instead, they designate an appearance or behavior that deviates from some hypothetical norm as a disorder or malfunction and teach the public to fear these deviations. The oversimplified symptoms with which these deviations are then sold in advertisements lead consumers to believe that they too are suffering from the disorder. 'Do you tend to be' worried? Constant worry and anxiety are the predominant symptom of "generalized anxiety disorder". But no worry. Ask your doctor to prescribe you Addictazac, the new 'rose-colored glasses pill.' " (Page 111)
Hopefully parliaments and government agencies will resist pressure from the pharmaceutical lobby and promote the new healing methods. These could help many people better and on top of that would be cheaper than the widespread drug abuse.
“The secret of life is to align our minds with growth. Of course, the secret of life is not a secret. Teachers like Buddha and Jesus have told us the same story for millennia. Now science has noticed too….
Positive thoughts are a biological requirement for a happy and healthy life. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny. "
(Page 143)
And elsewhere:
“I would like to challenge you: Let go of all unfounded fears and be careful not to instill unnecessary fears and limiting beliefs in your children. Above all, don't submit to the fatalistic message of genetic determinism. You can help your children reach their full potential and you can change your personal life at the same time. " (Page 181).
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