Memorial Days

A world historic day

 (Published in GralsWelt 20/2001)

On December 6, 1941, Abd-ru-shin (1875-1941) left this earth. Here is described what happened at that time in world history.
Europe in early December 1941:

The Second World War reached its first climax in the form of the “European War”. For two years German troops had rushed from victory to victory. They had brought the new catchphrase “Blitzkrieg” not only into the German but even into the English language, and their aggressive spirit and their clout never seemed to flag; the German armies had so far proven to be insurmountable in all cases.

A look at the map had to prove that:

From September 1939, German soldiers had first overrun Poland, then conquered Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France and posed a dangerous threat to England.
This was followed in 1941 by the conquest of Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete, the dispatch of troops to Africa to rescue the Italians, and finally the attack on Russia.

In the first days of December 1941, the German troops are at the North Cape and in the Bay of Biscay. The Afrika Korps is besieging Tobruk. On the eastern front, the old Russian capital Kiev has long since been conquered, Leningrad surrounded and Moscow within sight; according to official reports, Russian resistance has been considered broken since the beginning of October, and thus the war in the east decided (as a well-informed uncle told me as a ten-year-old at the time). Even the British government took a similar view.

In Germany one believes Bolshevism is done for and wants to use the raw material sources of the conquered parts of the western Soviet Union to bring down the remaining enemy - England - shortly.

Most Germans were proud of the outstanding achievements of their armies, which were also recognized abroad, even by opponents of the war.

"The German soldiers were the best in the world."
John Colville (1915-1987), Churchill's private secretary.

Such is the assessment of the military situation, not only from the point of view of National Socialist propaganda. Even authoritative military authorities of Western countries do not see the situation much differently, and even the tough Winston Churchill knows that it will be difficult to stop the Germans in North Africa, to secure the Suez Canal and to repel the invasion of England expected after a victoriously concluded Russian campaign.

Almost everyone underestimates the problems of the German armies. In fact, the forces of the German combat units are strained to the utmost. The area to be controlled is far too large, the troops are fragmented, and the supply routes to the widely dispersed fronts are too long.

In addition, English air and naval forces endanger the supply lines in the Mediterranean, which suffer from poor roads, broad gauge railways, extreme weather and partisan activity in the east. On the German side, however, only a few “nondescripts” pay attention to such dangers.

The majority - including the well-informed people in charge - let themselves be dazzled by the never-ending streak of success and believe that they are already holding victory in their hands.

In the euphoria of the first years of the war, it was unfortunately often forgotten or suppressed that it was a war that Hitler had started frivolously and willfully. As already announced in “Mein Kampf”, Hitler wanted to create “space for the German farmers” in the east, regardless of the people living there. These were dismissed as "inferior" so that they could be pushed back or - as in the case of the Jews - even exterminated.

A ruthless predatory war, then, against all humanity, without regard to moral categories and in misjudgment of the fact that every historian is familiar with that every conqueror who disregards the rights of life of the vanquished has failed.

But, as already said: At the beginning of December 1941 the German series of victories seemed to be rolling, the conquests were overwhelming, and the German troops were considered invincible.

But then the situation changed in a flash, almost within hours:

North africa:

At this secondary theater of war, the forces of the German Africa Corps are exhausted, the supplies are insufficient, and on December 6, 1941, the commander of the armored forces, Manfred Rommel, has to decide to retreat, which begins on December 7. By the end of 1941, Cyrenaica with the important port of Benghasi was again in British hands; the Germans have withdrawn to the Marsa Brega position, west of el Agheila on the Great Syrte.

Even if land gains in the desert war don't mean too much, a moral victory has been achieved for the British.


The "Battle of the Atlantic", in which German submarines are supposed to cut off supplies to England, rages on.

It is true that the losses in submarines can still be compensated for with new builds in German shipyards, but the forces are split up due to the relocation of submarines to the Mediterranean Sea and the inflation of the operating rooms; in December only a third of the space that was sunk in May 1941 is destroyed.

Eastern Front:

This is where the dramatic turnaround is brewing: If the Red Army was believed to be disintegrating in October and November, the German attacking leaders are now getting stuck in front of Moscow in the icy Russian winter. And: An unexpected Russian counterattack is imminent!

After Stalin, among other things, obtained the certainty through a spy - the notorious German double agent Sorge *) - that a Japanese relief attack on Russia in the Far East was not to be feared, Siberian troops could be transferred to the German front. The Russian counter-offensive began on December 6, 1941. Elite troops who are used to the cold in winter equipment face the German soldier in his summer outfit.

The German front threatens to collapse and the aura of the invincibility of the German soldier is broken.

Anyone who asks about the hour that heralded the fall of the Third Reich can find it on this day:

For when the red-hot sun began to set behind the horizon of the Russian steppes on December 6, 1941, the German General Staff knew that the Russian campaign could not be won. Hitler had overstretched the forces of the Greater German Reich. From now on, time worked against National Socialism and its expansionist policy.

Whoever thought further had to now Call it quits!

From now on, each day of the war brought only new victims in a chain of attritive battles: Germany could only prolong the war, postpone the inevitable end, but no longer force victory for itself on the battlefield; unless a miracle occurs.

But Hitler does not give up. He even manages to just barely hold the eastern front. On New Year's Eve 1941 there was a decisive argument between him and his generals, in which Hitler prevailed against them with his slogan: "No retreat - hold out at all costs!"

Historians today pretty much agree that this was the right decision for the moment. A retreat in the freezing cold would have meant the total collapse of the German Eastern Army. Once again, probably for the last time, the “greatest general of all time” decides happier than his generals, who have to let themselves be shamed by the dilettante.

But the Russian campaign can no longer be won. The renewed gains in land in the summer of 1942 cannot hide this, and in the winter of 1942/43 the defeat at Stalingrad heralds the unmistakable fall of the Third Reich.


Did Hitler already know or at least suspect in December 1941 that everything would be lost? Did he want to drown in a gigantic sea of flames? His declaration of war on the United States suggests that.

On Sunday, December 7, 1941 at 7:30 a.m. local time, Japanese planes attacked the American naval base in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Japan is thus waging war against the USA.

Relief for Germany? The Japanese attack on Russia desired by Germany would be better. But at least the USA would be distracted from Europe. Up to now, the United States had supported England and Russia more openly and spoken out more clearly against Germany than is usual for a neutral country.

But now Hitler makes one of his most incomprehensible and foolish decisions: He declares war on the USA on December 11, 1941!

Nothing forces him to. The three-part pact Germany-Italy-Japan only obliges these Axis powers to provide assistance if one of the contracting parties attacked becomes, not when he attacks himself.

Nevertheless, on December 5 - the Japanese attack fleet was already on its way to Hawaii - Hitler promised the Japanese ambassador his help in the event of war. What drove him to this appalling stupidity remains a mystery to this day; apart from his misjudgement of the USA, only irrational motives can be assumed**).

This is because Germany cannot attack the United States directly and has no chance of inflicting serious damage on the USA***). American arms supplies to Russia and England, on the other hand, are increasing and are becoming more and more noticeable. In the end, American troops will contribute significantly to the victory of the Allies in Europe.

So while the German armies in the east are trying to avert a total debacle with the last of their strengths, Hitler declares war on the world's strongest economic power. He acts as if he wanted to expand the looming defeat into an inevitable catastrophe in order to perish with his party and the German people, like the Nibelungs, in a burning Europe.

Five days in December 1941:

Only rarely in world history have such serious decisions been made in such a short time as in the 5 days from December 6th to 11th, 1941.

  • The European war had become a world war.
  • The fate had against Germany decided.
  • Japan frivolously sparked a conflict it had to lose.
  • The dream of German living space in the east was over, and Japan risked far too much in its pursuit of great power. The inevitable setback had to be catastrophic for both nations.

Only 5 days in December 1941 changed the fate of the world: The National Socialist tyranny had reached the limits of its possibilities and from now on had to relentlessly retreat until the bitter end.

The inevitable decline of National Socialism was accompanied by the worst atrocities that dishonor the name "Germany" and the Germans to this day. On January 20, 1942, the notorious “Wannsee Conference” decided on the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”, the extermination of the Jews. The systematic murder of millions of valuable people (who from a strategic point of view could have rendered immeasurable services to the warring empire) began.

It is impossible to understand the delusional delusion that gave priority to the mass murder of innocent people over the supply of shaky fronts with essential goods. Anyone who thinks and acts like this can only perish.

Japanese expansionism also outstripped its capabilities. He began his conquests - similar to the Germans - with incredible victories and then had to submit to defeat after defeat until unconditional surrender.

The world map changed:

The colonial age came to an end with the end of the Second World War. Half the world came under communist rule, and many of the traditional values of the West (e.g. rule of law, democracy, personal freedom, religious awareness, individuality, etc.) appeared to be questioned, indeed threatened with extinction.

And the war was not over when it ended: the war against Germany and Japan was followed by the confrontation between East and West, between socialism and capitalism, which only did not escalate from a "cold war" to a "shooting war" because none of the statesmen - with the exception of Mao Tse Tung****) - wanted to provoke the use of nuclear weapons.

No matter how one wishes to view the history of World War II and the decades that followed, the days of December 6-11, 1941, changed the world; they ushered in irreversible developments. Nothing was the same afterwards, and the world - for good or for bad - will never be the same again as it was before December 6, 1941.


*) The foreign correspondent of German newspapers in East Asia, Richard Sorge (1895-1944) was a secret communist. He spied not only for the German defense, but above all for Moscow. He was arrested in Japan in 1941 and hanged with a Japanese friend in October 1944.
**) In "Five Days in December 1941" by Brendan Simms and Charlie Lederman, DVA, 2021, it is assumed that Hitler wanted to pre-empt an expected declaration of war by the USA with a preventive war.
***) German submarines may sink some ships in the Gulf of Mexico, despite the long journey, but no serious damage can be inflicted on the USA in this way.
****) See Raymond Cartier "Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg", 3rd ed. p. 764, Piper, Munich, 1980.


The interested reader will find a detailed description of the historical events and an analysis of the esoteric-occult roots of Adolf Hitler in: "The occult Chancellor", Siegfried Hagl, Graefelfing, 2000, ISBN 3-89811-828-2. Available in Austria from the GralsWelt-Mediaservice, order no. 2660. Also as an e-book.