Book and film reviews

The world maps of the ancient navigators

 Published in GralsWelt 27/2003

By Charles Hapgood 

Two thousand and one, Frankfurt 2002.  EUR 25

In the GralsWelt 22/2002 we have under the heading "The Secret of the Portolane" (here under “Strange Tales”) reports on the enigmatic old nautical charts, which suggest that there must have been a prehistoric high civilization whose researchers sailed around the world.

The American professor did pioneering work in this area Charles Hapgood done with his students. He published his research in 1966 in a sensational book in English.

A German translation of this standard work is finally available. If you don't speak English fluently, you can use this translation to understand the painstaking detailed work of the team led by Hapgood and convince yourself of its well-founded scientific work.

After this exciting reading, one no longer doubts Hapgood's very cautiously formulated conclusion:
“There is, at least as far as possible, ample evidence of a very old, worldwide culture that must have ruled a large part of the earth in the distant past. We have found a large number of clues that will certainly prove fruitful in further research. "
(P. 282).