Book and film reviews

"Showdown" by Dirk Müller

The fight for Europe and our money 

Droemer, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-426-27605-1

What's wrong with Europe?
Bank crash, debt crisis, rescue packages, mass unemployment in the southern countries, protest movements ...

How did the European economy get caught up in this turbulence after the much acclaimed introduction of the common currency EURO in seventeen countries (of currently 28 member states of the European Union), which is far from over?

In the public service media there are mainly declarations from professional glossers: politicians, lobbyists, experts who are committed to a financially strong group. With a bit of luck you can find more reliable information in other sources. On the other hand, disaster scenarios are painted on the Internet that prophesy the unstoppable "fall of the West" ...

The proven financial expert and stock market expert Dirk Müller describes in his bestseller "Showdown" in an easily understandable way, with clear examples, the causes of this economic crisis. What makes the book so worth reading is that he doesn't stop at the analysis alone. It shows that Europe has concrete opportunities and good future prospects, provided that a capable political leadership makes the right decisions.

Even hard-hit Greece can become a boom country under a government that not only wants to enrich itself, but above all thinks of all Greeks. The largest natural gas reservoirs in Europe are located off the Greek coasts, the development of which would make Europe less dependent on oil, support the energy transition and enable Greece and Cyprus to achieve a similar upturn as the oil country Norway. The cheap energy from the Mediterranean could give the whole of Europe an economic boost and even change the political landscape.

The opportunities for a flourishing European economy are there. What is still missing are governments capable of making decisions - in the individual European countries and in Brussels - who have the welfare of all of Europe in mind and set the appropriate course in the international power game over raw materials.